The Relationship Between Science and Your Job

people and their careers

You don’t have to look at it through a microscope to see that all jobs revolve around various sciences. Whether you work as a social media manager or earn as a traditional tradesman, science is directly involved in everything that you do. And it doesn’t end with employment. Even business owners are unconsciously immersing themselves in different branches of science from day to day.

With that in mind, here are three of the most common sources of income in the U.S. and some of the sciences that they revolve around:

Science and Social Media Management

Social Media Management is essentially marketing in the age of digitalization. And like traditional marketing, it requires a lot of hours spent studying psychology and statistics.

person typing

Elevating the demand for your clients requires an understanding of every social media user’s psyche. For example, the dependence of people’s self-value on their peers’ acceptance is now the focus of multiple scientific studies. Other than the trust hormone, oxytocin, and its relationship with consumerism, the psychology of color and its relationship with social media-induced visual learning reliance is also being optimized in making companies catchier. It’s even being used in some countries as an effective means of political campaigning.

And statistics go hand in hand with psychology in this industry. Among hundreds of common psychological theories being capitalized in social media marketing, the only way of truly cultivating and assessing them is through the science of statistics. That’s why the psychological condition known as FOMO or the fear of missing out is directly connected with hashtag analytics.

Science and Construction

Unfortunately, there are still people who look down on blue-collar jobs just because they don’t require a master’s or a Ph.D. But contrary to popular opinion, this labor-intensive industry requires more applications of science than you would have guessed. That’s one of the reasons tradesmen get paid a lot in most progressive countries.

From the erection of the Pyramids of Giza to the operation of 2 leg chain slings, geometry has been a crucial part of all aspects of construction. From the architect’s designs to the engineer’s applications, geometry is one of the most used branches of building science.

It is used to assess, allocate, and repurpose space not only for the aesthetics but also for the safety of everyone involved pre-, mid-, and post-projects. For example, the geometry behind curvy roads in mountainous areas helps keep people away from harm. The same goes with the geometry behind chain slings and how even the biggest and heaviest load can be carried through a simple pair of metal chains.

Another branch of science used in construction is chemistry. Although it’s underrated compared to physics and geometry, chemistry is just as important in this industry. The properties, structure, and composition of all materials used in building infrastructures are all subjects of chemistry. The density and adhesiveness of cement, viscosity of the columns, reflectiveness of the glass, and even the thermal inclinations of the roof are all studied through chemistry.

So, the next time you get the urge to look down on yourself because you don’t have an upper Manhattan corner office yet, keep in mind that you might actually be considered a scientist compared to those white-collar drones.

Science and Entrepreneurship


Mathematics as a whole and within its subcategories obviously plays a dominant role in the business industry as well. From statistics to finance, almost every aspect of business operations involves mathematics.

Much like the relationship between science and social media management, the pair of science and entrepreneurship also revolves around marketing. But more than psychology and statistics, owning and making a business flourish is more complicated.

No matter the size of your business, sociology can be used in enhancing your leadership skills as an entrepreneur and as a boss. The skills in analyzing the interaction among people within and out of the company can be crucial in keeping the business thriving. This is especially essential now that globalization is at its peak. With more diversity in the workforce for both local and outsourced businesses, knowing how to deal with the politics of labor is the key to having a harmonious and productive work culture.

But it doesn’t end within the inside of your company. The multiple perspectives you can acquire through the study of sociology can also help in raising the marketability of your products. After all, understanding culture and psychology on a global scale can only help elevate your operations.

Whether you use it to reinforce your skills or just keep it in your drinking-conversation arsenal for future use, knowing these things can help broaden your understanding of both sciences and the value of all jobs.

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