Make Winter Shopping Convenient for Your Customers

woman with snowboard

Retail stores are the most impacted during winter. People usually just stay inside their homes during this season. They don’t want to go out because it is inconvenient to put on layers upon layers of clothes. It’s a lot of work just to get the car to start and warm-up for a drive. Not to mention, you have to find a parking lot, get out of the car with all your winter clothes on, and walk to the entrance door while freezing in the cold weather. But smart retail store owners know exactly how to get their customers to walk into their store.

Special Winter Discounts

What’s the best way to get your customers to go to your store in the coldest months of the year? If you offer exclusive discounts in-store. Though your e-commerce store is doing particularly well, you’d want people to continue flocking to your physical store because it creates a buzz in the community.

Besides, you need to stay open during winter for those who need to drop by your store. But you can’t also stay open exclusively for them. You have to make sure others will visit your store, too.

A Warm Welcome shopping for clothes

Your customers actually took on the cold and snow to get to your store. The least you can do is give them a warm welcome literally. How about a cup of hot cocoa by the door? Or the simplest thing is to get a coat rack ready. Your customers don’t want to shop around your store carrying their coats. Unless, of course, they have men’s ski jackets from Bogner, for instance. They’re made of a lightweight material that makes it easy for the wearers to simply bundle them under their arms.

Also, make sure that even your employees got that smile on their faces. Sometimes, they tend to be a tad too bog down because of the winter woes. The customers should never feel like it’s their fault your employees have to get up from their seats and work. Remind your employees to be extra accommodating during winter.

A Buzz on Social Media

When people have to retreat to their homes either because of the pandemic or winter blues, what do they do? Aside from binge-watching their favorite shows and stuffing themselves full of warm chocolate chip cookies, they spend an unusual amount of time on social media. So that’s where you should be, too.

If you create a buzz loud enough for your market to hear on social media, they are going to flock to your store regardless of what the temperature is outside. You can partner with an influencer to raise awareness about what’s happening in your store. You can also join winter festivities in your community to get locals to visit your store.

Don’t let the winter woes take out the fun of running your business. Take it as an opportunity to grow your business and expand your brand. While it’s extra hard to coax people out of their homes during winter, this challenge should be right up your alley.

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